Friday, November 19, 2010

My Orchid - Taking it Seriously

I bought an orchid a few years back, and now a few years later, still no flowers. Well maybe I was very lazy with it, never put in any effort to make it bloom, I've even forgot to water it most of the time. I think I should be happy that it didn't die, HAHA....And now, I have decided to try my best to make this orchid of mine BLOOOOOOOMM.

On the fishmy bro caught near burger king

ikan daun baru

After doing some research, and asking around, this fish is called ikan daun baru, or spotted bat.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fishing at the seaside near Burger King(near Jelutong express)

Date : 21 Oct 2010

Fishing here for the second time if i'm not wrong, as I caught a few pek zho( gerut-gerut) the first time, so I returned to see what else I can fish out. As this is written 8 days after, cannot remember much, only remember my brother caught a fish I never caught before or seen people hook up, but only in the market, so I assumed it can't be caught near the shore. I do not know the name of the fish. As soon as it was landed, someone came and told us that someone else caught bigger on the other side, double the size and the one we caught was not small.